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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Using twitter on cellphone

I have been using twitter from last week and its great way to communicate with friends and relatives. If you do not know what is twitter please go to web page.

Initially I had problems in adding my cellphone. I am from India and I am using Vodafone connection. Twitter used to give information that I have to send verification code to "5566511". But my repeated attempts went in vain. Messages never got delivered to this number. Then I tried to send verification code to International number "44 762 4801423". But even this message got failed. Then I realized that I had to prefix "+" sign to "44 762 4801423". Thts it my device got verified. :)

After my cell got verified I could see following message:

Now I'm able to update twitter by sending text to +44 762 4801423. Network carrier(Vodafone India) is charging 50 paisa for each message sent to this number.

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